Introduction to Digital Forensics – Part 2/2

There are several types of incident in which they might be discovered by implementing forensics techniques. Below are some examples of these incidents.

  • Malicious Code Attacks – For example, viruses, Trojan horse programs, worms and hacker scripts.
  • Unauthorised Access – For example, an improper logging into the users’ accounts; and unauthorised access to the files.
  • Unauthorised Utilisation of Services – For example, an intruder may also obtain access to information or plant Trojans and sniffers by misusing available services.
  • Disruption of Service – For example, disruption of network services, erase critical processes, spamming, Denial of Service (DoS).
  • Computer Misuse – For example, using the computer services of other than official purposes.
  • Espionage – For example, stealing information to subvert the interests of a company or government.
  • Hoaxes – For example, false information is spread about an incident or threat such as, the good times virus 1995 (Non-existent hoax).


There are many questions that we should ask ourselves such as, why do people do these incidents? what were stolen? and how did they do it? The answers for these questions are known as the Intellectual Property Theft. The statistics show that:

  • Why do people do these incidents?
    • Moved to competitor (70%).
    • Set-up competition (23%).
    • Other purposes (7%).
  • What were stolen?
    • Customer/client information (75%).
    • Financial info (14%).
    • Business Presentations (5%).
    • Other purposes (6%).
  • How did they do it?
    • E-mail (46%).
    • Hard copy (22%).
    • Electronic storage device (9%).
    • Other purposes (23%).


Therefore, the UK has now set up the National Crime Agency (NCA), which is new crime-fighting agency with national and international reach and the mandate and powers to work in partnership with other law enforcement organisations. This will bring the full weight of the law to bear in cutting serious and organised crime.

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